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  1. Stephen Colbert’s guest last night, Dr. Paul Offit owns patents on vaccines and profits from them, something he never mentioned. He’s a charming fellow but entirely dishonest. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has so far paid out over a billion dollars to parents of children injured or killed by vaccines. How could that happen if vaccines are “safe”? The Senate held hearings on Thimerosol during which it was revealed that this form of mercury is a potent neurotoxin. Yet it is still found in vaccines, along with other potent toxins. Vaccine manufacturers managed to get immunity from lawsuits while claiming vaccines are safe.Paul Offit is the wrong person to give the Colbert bump to!
    I don’t blame Colbert, as he is just ill informed. He’s shown the necessary courage to oppose injustices he was aware of (fracking, corruption, etc). It’s our job now to bring the facts to his awareness.

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